If you are looking for free dem, use the srtm dted1see cgiar or on earthexplorer. Level 2 dted files have a minimum resolution of 1 arcsecond near the equator. Click the eye icon next to the desired product to begin the download. Dted is a standard of digital datasets which consists of a matrix of terrain elevation values, i. Srtm dted level 2 1 arc second data for the united states and territotial slands is. Dted level 2 elevation values are spaced one arc second apart. Dted level 2 is the basic high resolution elevation data source for all military activities and systems that require landform, slope, elevation, andor terrain roughness in a digital format. Dted products are produced at three levels of resolution described below. Shuttle radar topography mission dted level 1 3arc second data dted1.
Military specification digital terrain elevation data dted milprf89020b, and. It provides basic quantitative data for all military systems that require terrain elevation, slope and gross surface roughness information. Macdem is an application to view and edit digital elevation model dem files. Wgs 84 is the horizontal datum and mean sea level is the vertical datum jeddah 1969. In support of military applications, the national imagery and mapping agency nima has developed standard digital datasets digital terrain elevation data dted which is a uniform matrix of terrain elevation values which provides basic quantitative data for systems and applications that require terrain elevation, slope, andor surface roughness information. Military specification digital terrain elevation data dted milprf89020b, and amongst other parameters describes the resolution for each level. Digital terrain elevation data dted map and data library. Dted level 2 corresponds to medium to large scale hardcopy products, and has a post spacing of one arcsecond, or 30 meter nominal resolution. Each dted file contains elevation data for a 1 degree latitude by 1 degree longitude cell. The dted level 0 data is relatively small, and is often published as a concatenation of. Dted level 1 corresponds to medium scale hardcopy products, and has a post spacing of three arcseconds, or 100 meter nominal resolution. Used in study to find large flat areas of world as possible places to locate gammaray telescope array. The dma later changed its name to national imagery and mapping agency nima but is now called the national geospatial intelligence agency nga.
Dted level 2 30m will be available thru the 2000 sts99 shuttle ifsar mission in 2001. Dted level 1 100m post spacings 1,442,401 data points. Digital terrain elevation data national geospatial. For information on locating map data for download over the internet, see the. Dted level 2 corresponds to medium to large scale hardcopy products, and has a post. Level 1 and 2 are not releasable outside dod unless specifically authorized. It is suggested you download the files to a folder called \elevation data\dted located.
Level 1 has a post spacing of approximately 90 meters. Nga will acquire new level 2 data as a result of the shuttle radar topography mission srtm. Dted data is available at three different resolutions, which are referred to as level 0, level 1 and level 2. Some code to load and process digital terrain elevation data dted files. Digital terrain elevation data dted dted is a uniform matrix of terrain elevation values. Other higher resolution data called level 1 and level 2 is not available to. The dted format for level 0, 1 and 2 is described in u. Dted level 2 is a uniform gridded matrix of terrain elevation values with post spacing of one arc second approximately 30 meters. Merge dem files togetherresample and crop demsdisplay dems in shaded relief, with. Level 0 has a post spacing of approximately 900 meters.
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